Spring Is Full Of Life At Healing Homestead

Spring Is Full Of Life At Healing Homestead

Spring Is Full Of Life At Healing Homestead Spring Dairy Lambs Spring time on the farm is one of my favorite times of the year because of all of the spring babies! You'll have to believe me when I say to see a dozen baby lambs is very cute! No sheep post would be...

March Chicken & Lamb Babies At The Farm

March Chicken & Lamb Babies At The Farm

March Chicken & Lamb Babies At The Farm! Starting A Flock With Baby Chicks I don't think the incubator turned off for three full months! It takes 21 days to incubate a chicken egg and hatch a baby chick (chicken). We like to start our incubator early and let the...

New Blog!

New Blog!

So excited to announce the launch of my new blog! Check back soon for some awesome content.

February Is Spring At Healing Homestead

February Is Spring At Healing Homestead

February Is Spring At The Homestead Spring Is Here February is the beginning of Spring in Tennessee and it's simply glorious! I'm sure that I appreciate it even more since I moved from the cold Michigan climate where the earth would still be covered in a blanket of...