Meet The Farm Animals At Healing Homestead: January

Meet The Farm Animals At Healing Homestead: January

January is always a good time for introductions so say hello to the many farm animals at Healing Homestead! We have East Friesian Dairy Sheep, Pineywoods Cattle, just about everything with feathers, and some feeder pigs. And of course what would a farm be with out a dog or three and some barn cats.

New Blog!

New Blog!

So excited to announce the launch of my new blog! Check back soon for some awesome content.

February Is Spring At Healing Homestead

February Is Spring At Healing Homestead

February Is Spring At The Homestead Spring Is Here February is the beginning of Spring in Tennessee and it's simply glorious! I'm sure that I appreciate it even more since I moved from the cold Michigan climate where the earth would still be covered in a blanket of...