Spring Is Full Of Life At Healing Homestead

Spring Dairy Lambs

Spring time on the farm is one of my favorite times of the year because of all of the spring babies! You’ll have to believe me when I say to see a dozen baby lambs is very cute! No sheep post would be complete with our a selfie with my favorite dairy sheep, Chantel. She give my most milk, is the easiest to milk, and she’s just so loving. Barbara is coming around to me. She had the most beautiful baby lamb. I’ve never seen coloration like this little ewe lamb.

Spring Piglets

I’ve been so busy stalking by Pineywoods cows trying to guess when baby day will be that I forgot that I should be checking on the sows. Mindy the pig, had her first litter of 12 piglets! They are soft and if they squeal, you better get out of Mindy’s way. Emma the pig, is still growing. She must be a month behind Mindy. Tonight is our last cold night so hopefully she will wait for warmer weather to have her piglets.

Spring Calf

Like I said, I’ve been spending a lot of time with my Pineywoods. Most of which is in disbelief in how BIG a cow can get while they are pregnant. Magnolia had our first bull calf at Healing Homestead! Of course he snuck through the fence and found a nice secluded spot down hill. You’d be surprised in how heavy a calf is when you get to carry it uphill even when it’s only a couple hours old. Daisy will be our next cow to have a calf. Heather will be our last cow to calf. See how much has changed from last year’s Spring blog at Healing Homestead.

Tennessee Homesteader’s Alliance Lawrence County

We have been having an amazing time at the Homesteader’s Alliance of Lawrence County, Tennessee! February was Natural Beekeeping with Adam Martin of Bee Kept. There’s still time to get your swarm traps ready. March was Tinctures with Jenefer Achondo of A Heritage Life Farm. We all had fun making our own medicine. A group of us got together and met our Senator Page Walley at the Capitol. I’m sure he’s tired of hearing me say I want to change the legislation on raw milk.

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